Light & Salt Cleaners Inc.

The 4 Mistakes Companies Make When Hiring a Cleaning Company

Mistake #1- Committing After a Poor First Impression

If your first interaction is a short, hurried phone call – Don’t walk, RUN away!
Especially if they quote a price for a large contract over the phone. If they are willing to take a chance and provide a quote without completing a walk-through themselves, it means they are desperate for work. If they have misquoted on your job and don’t have enough hours or staff to adequately clean your space, corners will be cut.
Professional cleaning companies should have a well-spoken manager answering inquiries. Walk-throughs are a must for large contracts in order to provide an accurate quote (which should be in writing!).

Mistake #2 - Not Meeting the Cleaning Crew

If you’ve entered into a formal contract, make a connection with staff early on.
Rather than leaving the keys to the premises or assigning your junior staffer to handle the orientation, make the time in your schedule to introduce yourself. This does two things, #1 it helps form a human connection with the staff you’ve placed your trust in to make your space look its best, and #2 – it gives you an opportunity to detect any red flags early on. Are they in neat uniforms? Does the crew appear to know each other and have a good relationship, or have they been thrown together and it’s ‘so and so’s’ cousin in charge?
Do your due diligence and treat this as you would any other business arrangement.

Mistake #3 - Tolerating Low Standards

You get what you pay for. The cleaning industry is no different.
If you choose a bargain basement cleaning company that provides you a steep discount or is inexpensive compared to other quotes, rest assured you’ll be getting the same quality of service in exchange for your dollars. Especially with the heightened worries coming out of a pandemic, society’s standards of cleanliness are sky-high. Unfortunately for you, it means your clients will be looking out for any slip-ups, and businesses like yours can’t afford a bad review after so much income disruption.
If you’ve paid a fair price for professional services, that’s what you should receive. A friendly, well-dressed crew of professionals that start and finish on time.

Mistake #4 - Expecting One-Way Communication

The dynamics of client-contractor relationships in the cleaning industry are often still operating in a throwback era.

Vague instructions are given by a person on-staff, inadequate cleaning equipment is provided, and then all parties scatter. Imagine hiring a plumber to fix your clogged sink, and when he arrives at your door, you tell him how to do his job, hand him an old wrench you had laying around and then leave your home? It sounds absurd to us too!

The experience with a premium cleaning company will be the EXACT opposite. Staff who are dedicated and take pride in their job will engage clients about the process and expectations. For example- a conversation with a cleaning crew in an office setting should go far beyond ‘we’ll complete surface dusting’. Expert cleaners will ask questions, assess the space thoroughly, and discuss whether keyboards, behind computers, the boardroom television, lighting fixtures, and baseboards will be included.

Your interactions with a reputable cleaning company should be more than just smiling and nodding.

We hope you found this insightful.

Contact Light & Salt to discuss how we can exceed your expectations.

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